G.R.O.W. is an acronym for God Rewards Our Work


GROW is an outreach ministry that enables every Christian to take part in our care and outreach efforts. Every person has a gifting from God and can be used in this ministry. GROW takes place on the first three Monday nights of every month and consists of writing cards to those who have visited our church, are sick and in need of care and love, and other ministry needs that arise every day. There are teams that go visit and people that help kids minister as well. There is something for everyone to do. If you are interested in joining one of our GROW teams please contact, Luther Thomason at 706-371-2881 or one of our GROW team leaders through the church office.


GROW G captain– Michele Shepherd

GROW R captain– Tamara Johnson

GROW O captain– Susan Parker


GROW Mission 2014


A time to CARE for others

A time to CHOOSE to share God’s love

A time to be a CATALYST for change

A time to COMMIT to outreach